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  • Writer's pictureDr. Sarah Moore

5 Reasons to Attend the South West Wellness Symposium 2020

As Chair of the Holistic Health Practitioner Network, I am so delighted that we will be hosting the South West Wellness Symposium in Busselton on 31st October 2020. This event was born out of challenging circumstances. Like the lotus flower that is born out of mud, it is my hope that the Wellness Symposium will honour the pain and difficulties that have arisen for our community during the COVID-19 pandemic and provide attendees with knowledge and connections that will lead to positive growth and awareness of what’s possible. This is reflected in the chosen theme for this year’s Symposium “Living in Balance Within Community”.

For those of you who are wondering whether the Wellness Symposium is for you, I thought I’d outline the top five benefits that you can expect to gain from attending the Wellness Symposium this year.

1. Community Connection

After a period of lockdown and ongoing uncertainty about a “second-phase”, the need for positive social connection is more important than ever. The South West Wellness Symposium will provide attendees with the opportunity to connect with experts in the fields of resilience, mindfulness, emotional wellbeing and holistic end of life care. Attendees will also be meeting with one another; some will be friends and colleagues, others will be strangers with a common interest in how we can work together to cultivate and maintain balance, both personally and within our community. By coming together to learn, share ideas, foster new relationships and deepen existing ones, I feel strongly that attendees will feel a profound sense of connection with the beautiful community that lives here in the South West.

2. Learn from Wellness Experts

As I think about the line-up of Keynote Speakers and Panellists we have invited to present at this year’s Symposium, I get goosebumps. We are incredibly privileged to have such an incredible array of experts sharing their time and wisdom with us at the Symposium. You may already be on a path of living well; you may be feeling motivated to start living a more balanced life; you may be committed to supporting your loved ones on their wellness journey. Whatever your circumstances, I can promise you that the 17 wellness experts presenting at this year's Symposium will provide you with the knowledge, tools and inspiration required to guide you towards achieving these goals. Through learning ways to build resilience in kids and teens, nurture men’s health & wellbeing, live mindfully and deliver holistic end of life care, I feel confident that everyone who attends the Symposium will take-away some valuable life lessons from each and every discussion.

3. Meet local Wellness Practitioners

Further to our amazing speakers and panellists, there will be a number of local wellness practitioners with stalls at the Symposium. You’ll be able to meet the stall holders during the breaks and learn about different health modalities and services available here in the South West. Practitioners who have already registered include kinesiologist Monique Sambros-Garvey, reflexologist Monique Van Den Ing, naturopath Kamma Natura, health coach Libby Finlayson, psychologist Jo Edmond and positive change facilitator, Sana Turnock. I highly recommend all attendees visit each of the stalls and take the opportunity to access these generous practitioners who will have so much to share.

4. Win Prizes

We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of members of the Holistic Health Practitioner Network who have donated 11 vouchers and prizes to Symposium Raffle. A huge thank you to the following practitioners: Steve Tucker, Hypnotherapist & EFT practitioner; Lindy Callahan, Remedial Massage & Bowen therapist; Sana Turnock, Positive Change facilitator; Lee Standeven, Spalter practitioner; Penny Carrier, Kinesiologist; Libby Finlayson, health coach; Chelsea Branson, remedial massage therapist; Myriam Zaggia, Kinesiologist and Sound Healing therapist; Katie Garnett, Yoga therapist; Tara Nelson, Naturopath and Melanie Suriani, Remedial Massage therapist. Be sure to bring your spare change so you can purchase a raffle ticket and go in the running to win one of the fabulous prizes donated by our HHPN practitioners.

5. Experience Joy

Joy is our natural state and I believe that the Wellness Symposium brings together all of the conditions that will enhance your capacity to experience a day filled with joy. These include meeting with others who are curious about wellness, being in the presence of wellness experts who are generously sharing their wisdom, enjoying lunch together in community, feeling empowered to take steps towards living a healthy and fulfilled life, and deepening your understanding of the capacity we have to support one another to live in balance within community. It is my sincere wish that each and every person who attends the Symposium will leave feeling uplifted, grateful and inspired to continue on their wellness journey.

Be sure to follow the South West Wellness Symposium on our Facebook Page @southwestwellnesssymposium and get your tickets at EventBrite.

I can't wait to see you there!

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