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Writer's pictureDr. Sarah Moore

The Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr Oscar Serrallach

Advance Care Planning I Dr. Sarah Moore

What is this book is about?

This book is a step-by-step guide for mothers who have become depleted during pregnancy and postpartum to restoring their vitality and health. Dr Oscar Serrallach has combined his experience and research to create an evidence-based yet compassionate approach to supporting mums who feel exhausted and overwhelmed by motherhood so they can rediscover their energy as well as their love for themselves and their families. Dr Oscar begins by describing his own personal journey with his wife, Caroline, through their pregnancy and postpartum period, which then inspired him to learn more about Postnatal Depletion and how to heal from this state. He then deep dives into the underlying causes for Postnatal Depletion and systematically describes how to replete the body, mind and spirit through nutrition, hormone balancing, contemplative practices, sleep, movement and self-love. Dr Oscar also uses numerous case histories to illustrate how his protocols can transform depleted women to well women in a matter of months.

What I liked about the book

I liked the balanced and practical nature of this book. Dr Oscar openly and honestly shares his personal and professional experiences to highlight the complexities of managing Postnatal Depletion. He also provides advice based on scientific evidence, the ancient wisdom of traditions such as Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, and his own clinical practices that have helped the many women he has cared for over the years. He provides clear explanations for the underlying basis of his treatment recommendations and also provides alternative options so that women feel they have choice and flexibility in how they approach their healing. I particularly liked the final chapters on Recovering your Self-Love and Recovering your Relationship with you Partner and your Libido as I feel these topics are often overlooked when women present with symptoms of Postnatal Depletion and yet they are so important if women are to recover fully from their Postnatal Depletion.

Who should read this book?

This is an important resource for health practitioners who care for women during pregnancy, postpartum and beyond. I also recommend this book to women who are pregnant, postpartum or mothers of children of any age. Partners of women with Postnatal Depletion would also benefit significantly from reading this book. Postnatal Depletion can have long-lasting implications for the health of women and their families and there are many ways to support women to prevent and heal from Postnatal Depletion, but it does take a village to do so!

Where you can access this book

I listened to this as an audiobook via Audible but also ordered a hard copy online from The Book Depository so I have it handy to refer to when consulting with patients. I would also encourage you to borrow from your local library and if they don’t have a copy, ask them to order it in!

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